Riftech Solution

Experience Media Like Never Before

Efficient IT systems.

Our IT solutions ensure your systems operate at full capacity with increased efficiency, reducing downtime and increasing productivity.


Improved communication.

Our IP phone systems offer high-quality voice and video communication, facilitating collaboration between team members and improving customer communication.

High-Quality Products

We provide High-Quality Product to our customer on their requirement or need.

Free Shipping

Wherever you are in the world, you’ll receive your products within 10 working days of your order. 

Full Warranty 

Something wrong with one of our products? No problem. Everything is covered for two years*. 


Choose colour, size, engraving and other options to make your Safa products your own. 


"The IP phone system from Riftech Solution has greatly improved communication between our employees and customers."

- HSB Hotel Grand, Bhiwani

“You can’t beat Safa for the quality of their products at such reasonable prices.”

- Steven Thompson

Contact us now to secure your business.